What causes knee pain and what can I do about it?

Knee is a powerful joint that allows the lower body to move freely while supporting the weight of the body. The movements at the knee are critical for daily and athletic activities. The knee is connected to the hip by the femur and to the lower leg by the tibia. Patellae (knee cap) a free bone, is anchored to the front of the knee by the muscles in the area. Knee joint gets its stability from well known ligaments like the ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL and the meniscus. The knee is susceptible to injuries from abnormal muscle forces, repeated stresses, acute injuries, or imbalance stemming at the hip and ankle joints.

What are the causes of knee pain?

Some of the common causes of knee pain can be

  • Patellofemoral Disorder
  • Patellar tendinitis
  • Muscle strain
  • Chondromalalcia Patellae
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Meniscus tear
  • Ligament sprain or tears
  • Fat pad syndrome
  • Runners knee
  • Shin Splints
  • ITBand Syndrome
  • Post Surgical
  • Pes Anserine Bursitis
  • Plica Syndrome
  • Osgood Schlatters Disease
  • Popliteal Cyst
  • Abnormal posture like Genu Valgum (Knock knees) or Genu Varus (bow legged)

What to do or help with knee pain

Treatment for knee pain is largely dependent on the cause of the pain. If you have an immediate injury like a fall, impact, or a direct hit on the knee it is critical to start using ice for the first 48-72 hours. Follow the RICE procedure of rest, ice, wrap the knee in a compression wrap or sleeve and elevate the leg.  Schedule an appointment with a physical therapist, primary care, or an orthopedist to evaluate the knee and determine the exact injury so you can start your recovery right away.

If pain is more gradual in nature and activity dependent the cause can be tendonitis, bursitis, patellar tracking issues or wear and tear at the knee or patellofemoral joint. In this case, it is important to identify the nature, cause and activities causing the pain. Schedule an appointment with your physical therapist to identify the exact cause and start your treatment right away. Delays in seeking care, often result in increase in symptoms and longer rehabilitation time. It is better to see an expert sooner to recover in the shortest time.

Who to see for knee pain

You can seek care from physical therapist, primary care doctors or orthopedists to determine the cause of your knee pain. Physical therapy has direct access; which means you can see a physical therapist without needing a prescription. It is a great idea to see a physical therapist first because they are qualified to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal conditions without the need for invasive x rays or medications. If the therapist deems it necessary, they will then direct you to an orthopedist to get further tests and/or consultations.

How Can we Help

At Physis PT and Rehab we will not only assess the knee joint, but will complete a functional assessment of your activities, examine the hip and the ankle joint to determine the source of the symptoms. Treatment plan will be determined based on the diagnosis, involving one on one treatment to abolish pain and regain control to maximize participation in daily and sport activities.


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