Mobilization is a pain free hands-on manual therapy method performed by a licensed and expert physical therapist to improve joint movements. When it is combined with active motion it’s called mobilization with movements. Mechanism: In this method, the capsule that goes around the joint is given a passive stretch, which reduces pain, activates joint receptors and restores normal motion in the joint. It is a form of physical therapy technique which can be performed in therapy or it can be taught as a self-treatment method at home. Mobilization with Movement helps to reduce pain, promotes muscle relaxation, reduces swelling in the joint, increase joint nutrition, increase range of motion and improve joint function by increasing joint mobility. All of this helps to improve participation in daily activities.

When to use Mobilization of Movement

  • If you have pain
  • If your therapist determines you have tightness in the joint
  • Swelling in the joint
  • Limitations in movement

Precautions and Contraindications

  • Joint ankylosis
  • Infection in the area being treated
  • Malignancy in the area being treated
  • Unhealed fracture in the area being treated
  • Inflammatory arthritis in the area being treated
  • Long term use of corticosteorids
  • Skin rashes or open or healing skin lesions in the area being treated
  • Metabolic bone disease such as Paget’s Disease and tuberculosis